Byte Arrays in Yul

Byte Arrays in Yul

Byte Arrays are used to store sequences of bytes and are often used to represent data such as hashes or public keys

A byte array is a collection of bytes, each representing an 8-bit value, and is a fundamental data type used in many programming languages, including Yul. They provide a way of representing a set of bytes as an array, which can then be manipulated using the various operations available for arrays. This makes them extremely useful when dealing with large amounts of binary data, such as images or other multimedia files.

One advantage of byte arrays is that they allow for efficient storage and manipulation compared to other types such as strings or integers. This is because each element in the array stores only one byte, meaning that memory usage remains low even when working with large datasets. Additionally, many operations on byte arrays can be done quickly due to their simple structure; this makes them well-suited for applications where speed is critical such as computer vision tasks or image processing algorithms.

Defining Byte Arrays

A byte array is a collection of bytes that can be used to store data. In Yul, byte arrays are declared using the bytes keyword followed by the number of bytes in the array.

For example, to declare a byte array of 32 bytes, we can use the following code:

bytes32 myArray;

In Yul, a byte array can be defined using the mload and mstore instructions. These instructions allow you to read from and write to memory, which is where byte arrays are stored.

// Define a byte array with five elements
mstore(0x00, byte(0x30))
mstore(0x01, byte(0x31))
mstore(0x02, byte(0x32))
mstore(0x03, byte(0x33))
mstore(0x04, byte(0x34))

This code defines a byte array with the elements 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, which represent the ASCII characters "01234". The mstore instruction stores the given byte at the specified memory address, allowing us to define the elements of the byte array.

Manipulating Byte Arrays

Once a byte array is defined, you can manipulate it using a variety of Yul instructions. For example, the mload instruction can be used to read a byte from memory and store it in a register:

// Read the first element of the byte array
let firstByte := mload(0x00)

You can also use the mstore instruction to write a byte to memory:

// Write a new byte to the second element of the byte array
mstore(0x01, byte(0x35))

We can also copy byte arrays using the mcopy function. The mcopy function is used to copy a byte array from one memory location to another. For example, to copy the first 32 bytes of the myArray byte array to the newArray byte array, we can use the following code:

bytes32 newArray; mcopy(myArray, newArray, 32)

In addition to copying byte arrays, we can also convert them to other types. For example, to convert a byte array to a uint256 value, we can use the abi.decode function. The abi.decode function is used to decode data according to a specific ABI encoding. For example, to decode the first 32 bytes of the myArray byte array to a uint256 value, we can use the following code:

uint256 myValue = abi.decode(myArray, (uint256))

In addition to these basic operations, Yul provides several built-in functions for manipulating byte arrays, including:

  • keccak256: calculates the Keccak-256 hash of the byte array

  • abi.encode: encodes a value of type t into a byte array using the ABI encoding format

  • abi.decode: decodes a byte array encoded using the ABI encoding format into a value of type t


Byte arrays are an important data type in Yul and are used extensively in smart contract development. Whether you are defining a new byte array, manipulating the elements of an existing one, or encoding and decoding values using the ABI format, Yul provides a rich set of tools for working with byte arrays. They are used to store sequences of bytes and are often used to represent data such as hashes or public keys. By understanding how to declare, assign, copy, and convert byte arrays, we can write more efficient and effective Yul code.

By understanding how byte arrays work in Yul and how to use them effectively, you can create more powerful and expressive smart contracts that take full advantage of the capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Byte Arrays are also very versatile; they support both signed and unsigned numbers which allows you to represent negative values if needed while still keeping your code concise and readable at the same time being able to use different numerical formats depending on what best fits your application needs (e.g. 8-bit integers versus 16-bit floating point). All these features make Byte Arrays a powerful tool in Yul programming language making it possible to perform complex tasks without having too much overhead associated with their usage!

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