Data Types of Yul

Data Types of Yul

Yul includes several built-in data types that are used to store and manipulate values.

Yul is a low-level intermediate language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that is used to write smart contracts. It is a simple and functional language that is designed to be easy to read and write, while still being powerful enough to express complex logic. Yul is statically typed to avoid confusion between concepts like values and references.

Yul is used when developers need more control over what their code is doing. Yul allows developers to do anything since they control exactly what the EVM is going to execute, while Solidity is more restrictive. Yul is often used for gas optimizations. Yul is a compilation target for further optimizations and can be looked at as an experimental upgrade to Yul. Yul+ adds various quality-of-life features to Yul, such as enabling memory structures to better handle data.

Here are a few of the most common data types in Yul:

Basic Data Types

Yul has several basic data types, including:

  • boolean: represents truth values, either true or false

  • byte: an 8-bit integer

  • int: a signed integer with a user-specified number of bits

  • address: represents an Ethereum address, similar to a string in other languages

  • bytes32: a fixed-length array of 32 bytes

  • function: represents a function type

Composite Data Types

In addition to basic data types, Yul also offers composite data types, which are built from multiple basic data types. These include:

  • array: a collection of data elements with the same data type

  • struct: a custom-defined data type that groups other data types

  • mapping: a key-value data structure where the keys can be any data type except mappings

  • tuple: an ordered list of elements, each with their data type

Conversions between Data Types

Yul provides several built-in functions for converting between data types. These include:

  • to_uint256: converts a signed integer to an unsigned 256-bit integer

  • to_bytes32: converts a value to a fixed-length byte array of 32 bytes

  • to_address: converts a value to an Ethereum address

Yul also allows developers to define their conversion functions using the function data type.


Data types are an essential component of any programming language, and Yul is no exception. By providing a range of basic and composite data types, Yul enables developers to manipulate data in a variety of ways.

Whether you are working with simple Boolean values or complex data structures, Yul provides a rich set of tools for managing data in your smart contracts. By understanding the data types of Yul and how they can be used, you can create more powerful and expressive code that takes full advantage of the capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain. Yul is a powerful and flexible language that supports a wide range of data types. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Yul is a great language to learn if you want to write smart contracts for the Ethereum network. Yul is a low-level language that provides a more granular level of control over smart contract development on Ethereum.

Finally, it’s important to note that Yul has additional data types such as addresses and fixed-point arithmetic operations for more complex applications like smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain networks. These additional data types provide developers with more options when building decentralized applications on top of existing blockchains like Ethereum, allowing them to create powerful dApps with greater precision than ever before!

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