Syntax and Semantics of Yul

Syntax and Semantics of Yul

Yul is an intermediate language that is used as an intermediary language in the compilation of Solidity-written Ethereum smart contracts.

Yul is a low-level intermediate language that is designed to be used in conjunction with Solidity for writing efficient and optimized smart contracts. In this blog, we will explore the syntax and semantics of Yul, looking at how it differs from Solidity and how it can be used to write powerful and expressive code.


Yul's syntax is similar to that of Solidity, with some notable differences. For example, Yul uses curly braces to delimit blocks of code, rather than Solidity's indentation-based syntax. Its syntax is similar to that of assembly language. Each line of code is a single instruction, and the instructions are executed in the order in which they appear in the code. Yul has a small set of instructions, which makes it easy to learn and use. Some of the instructions in Yul include jump, call, and return.

Yul does not have any built-in operations, functions, or types in its pure form. These are added together with their semantics when specifying a dialect of Yul, which allows specializing Yul to the requirements of different target platforms and feature sets. Additionally, Yul supports both single-line and multi-line comments using the // and /* */ syntax, respectively.

Yul also introduces some new syntax elements that are not present in Solidity, such as the let keyword for declaring variables, and the callcode and delegatecall instructions for executing code in the context of another contract.


Yul semantics are built on top of the semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Yul defines a set of instructions that correspond to EVM opcodes, allowing developers to write highly optimized code that takes advantage of the low-level features of the EVM. The language is designed to be easy to read and understand, with a focus on security and correctness. Yul has a small set of instructions that are easy to learn and use, which makes it a good choice for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Yul's semantics are designed to be simple and efficient, which makes it a popular choice for writing smart contracts. Yul also provides several high-level constructs that allow developers to write more expressive and modular code. For example, Yul includes support for functions, loops, and conditional statements. It also provides a powerful stack-based execution model that allows for efficient memory management and gas usage.

One key feature of Yul is its ability to define custom data types. This allows developers to create complex data structures that are tailored to the needs of their specific applications. Yul also provides support for both static and dynamic arrays and includes built-in functions for working with strings and byte arrays.

Dialects of Yul

Because Yul is a low-level intermediate language, it can be customized for specific target platforms and feature sets. This is achieved through the use of dialects, which are sets of additional instructions and semantics that are added on top of the core Yul language.

One example of a Yul dialect is Yul+, introduced by Fuel Labs. Yul+ adds various quality-of-life features to Yul, such as inline assembly blocks and macros for easier code reuse. This allows developers to write low-level code directly in their Yul contracts, which can be useful for optimizing performance. Yul also supports variables, which can be used to store data and perform calculations.

Yul+ is an experimental upgrade to Yul that adds various quality-of-life features to the language. Yul+ offers additional features such as memory structures, enums, constants, and Ethereum standard ABI signature/topic generation. Memory structures are used to describe already-existing structures in memory, such as calldata, hash data, or any data with structure written to memory. Yul+ offers a wide range of positioning, offset, hashing, indexing, and organizational features to better handle data. Yul+ can be looked at as an experimental upgrade to Yul, and Yul might aim to integrate some of its features natively at a later time.

The benefits of using Yul+ over Yul are the additional features that make it easier to work with and handle data. Other dialects may be designed for specific target platforms, such as those with limited computational resources or specialized hardware.


In conclusion, Yul is a low-level programming language that provides a more granular level of control over smart contract execution. Its syntax is similar to that of assembly language, and its semantics are determined by the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Yul's support for inline assembly and variables makes it a popular choice for developers looking to write high-performance smart contracts. Yul+ adds various quality-of-life features to Yul, making it an experimental upgrade proposal to Yul.

Yul is a powerful tool for writing efficient and optimized smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. With its expressive syntax and powerful execution model, Yul allows developers to create complex and highly optimized code that takes full advantage of the low-level features of the EVM.

By understanding the syntax and semantics of Yul, developers can leverage their full potential to create smart contracts that are faster, cheaper, and more flexible than ever before. Additionally, the ability to customize Yul through dialects makes it a versatile language that can be tailored to specific needs and target platforms.

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